Gary Farmer
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Singer / Songwriter / Producer / Educator / Multi-Instrumentalist
/ Recording Artist
Extensive PERFORMING, RECORDING, and TEACHING have been Gary Farmer's
passion and livelihood since 1971, when his band director invited the aspiring fifteen year old to become an assistant
CONDUCTOR for an elective class at school. Since then, Gary has continuously strived to achieve excellence in music,
and his dedication and reliability have enhanced every project he's been involved with.
Born in the United States in 1956 and raised in Redlands, California, the supportive upbringing by his artistic
homemaking mother and athletic schoolteaching father provided a creatively encouraging environment for Gary to
pursue his dreams. In 1977, after receiving many awards, scholarships, and graduating early from Redlands Sr. High
School with HONORS, he earned a BACHELOR OF MUSIC DEGREE from THE UNIVERSITY OF REDLANDS, where he majored in MUSIC EDUCATION with
a PERCUSSION minor. Pursuing his interests has since led him to experience a variety of occupations, including
In addition to his childhood studies on PIANO and TRUMPET, Gary has shown proficiency on many instruments, and
has been SINGING and playing GUITAR, BASS, and DRUMS for over thirty years.
His qualifications have transcended many boundaries, contributing to a variety of ensembles in ALL STYLES, including Rock, Country, Pop, and Jazz
Bands, Symphony Orchestras, and Choral Groups. Having toured many parts of the United States, most of his experience
has been in his native SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, where he has performed for private parties, nightclubs, concert stages,
studios, radio, and television.
Over the past decade, realizing that many great song ideas evolve from amateurs as well as professionals, the satisfaction
has led him to focus on his NEPTUNE MUSIC PRODUCTIONS songwriter service. Working with others in his STUDIO, he uses
state-of-the-art computerized digital tools and synthesizers, controlling MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
and AUDIO MULTI-TRACKING to create a full band sound. Inexpensively shaping raw potential into professional formats,
the results become broadcast quality MASTER RECORDINGS, which are then archived to CD, DAT, CASSETTE, and other
popular mediums for the COMPUTER and INTERNET.
Gary has been showcasing his ORIGINAL SONGS since the Los Angeles days of 1978, and in 1981 independently released
the vinyl LP SOWING MY SEEDS. It featured country and pop styles and several very gifted artists like the Mc Glynn
Brothers, John Jorgenson, and Stan West. Since 1991, he has released five PRODUCTS encompassing his entire song
catalog, writing and recording all of the tracks, with the albums OVER EASY (Country and Easy Listening); SEEING
DOUBLE (Pop Variety); ROCKY FIELD (Rock n' Roll); FUNKY STUFF (Reggae, Funk, and Dance Beat); and SPECIAL (a re-recorded
"Best-Of" compilation). All are still available in limited quantities by special order.
Gary has been providing the special attributes for making memorable musical occasions for over three decades. Learning
early in life to embrace its varied offerings, he has welcomed opportunities to better himself whenever possible.
In his limited spare time, he enjoys the ocean, traveling, motorcycles, tennis, water sports, backgammon, hiking,
and adventure. He has now lived and worked in SAN DIEGO COUNTY for over twenty years. References are gladly furnished
upon request.
Gary Farmer / Neptune Music
P.O. Box 234092 • Leucadia, CA 92023-4092
(760) 729-7776 (9AM
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